hidayat & aemyra

now or never

June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008

30 September 2008 ( 3:49 PM )

itu dia...
di ambamg aidilfitri....
well i manage to put on the curtains..
and kemas the living room..
though im very dissapointed.
cause i still want the tv to be placed the other side.
but the mother very the degil..
she even take charged of the almari and the necessities
in my room. blearghhh!

tak suker tau,
oleh kerana banyak sangat habuk
aku terpaksa jadi jemaaaaaah islamiyah
dengan mengcover hidungku dengan tuala.

dan ketuk ketuk ramadhan mesti ditengok,

Nuramirah Zittauhidah
aka stage name MYRA
ingin mengucapkan
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
kepada diri sendiri yang telah menjalani ibadah puasa
tabah walau pun ada yang tak smpurna
tapi i did my very best.


kepada the boyfriend,
Muhammad Hidayat Esa...

Myra nak minta maaf kat u kiranya i mean memang
dan sudah sememangnya telah banyak sangat2 buat salah.
Baik dari tingkah laku,tutur bicara serta ape2 lagi yang telah
dilakukan.Bila tengah tak sadar diri, semua benda merepek
yang dilakukan...
betul tak kawan2??
halalkan makan minum serta harta benda yang telah diberi ye.


kepada teman serta sahabat handai,
Mohon maaf zahir dan batin.
minta maaf banyak2larh.
kiranya pernah terkata atau pun terkutuk.
maklumlah aku hanya insan biasa.
yang sering membuat salah.

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28 September 2008 ( 10:40 PM )

yesterday most of the cathay colleagues went iftar ramai.
who was there?

syak concess

nt in pic
zulaikha n bf

as usual food came late as we expected.
and i gt myself a masam bandung,
and i dint get charged for that.

we eventually iftar at arab street and proceed to geylang
to meet..

syak usher n the bf
fathin hotdog

inside toilet,
with fathin,
kite baju same larh...

well these are the only pictures survive,
after that dah malam.
almaklumlah takde camera berflash.

geylang was so packed.
cant barely breath.

saw izfa and afiqah,

thats the only good thing about geylang.
meetup always happens
with people u seldom see.

bile nak jumpe bf?
bile nak naik kereta baru?

loooking forward for it....
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the art of celebrating
27 September 2008 ( 8:49 AM )

Its not nice to get sick at the peak of hari raye,
i remembered a few years back most of the sibling
got a fever and yeah.It was disastrous.
and i am feeling feeling that il be sick.

dah rase macam nak demam.
not good not good.not a good sign.
lagi lagi di ambang nak hari raya,
where tersangatlah banyak kemas mengemas harus dilakukan.

a few daes back.
dapat sore throat.
perit di tekak dan sakitnya tak terhingga,
dan i still did my puasa. which is a good thing.

"menahan lapa dan dahaga
walau rintangan dan dugaan menimpa"
che`baaah.macam pahaarm.

kejap kejap masuk toilet.
nak melepaskan batok di tangga toilet
and terpaksa menhiru habuk habuk yang telah lama
bertakhta di cela cela dinding dan tingkap.
dan i have to ACHOOOOoooooo! sepanjang hari.
--the bad thing about raye.

themistakeihavedone.ireallyfelt theimpact.thefeeling

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26 September 2008 ( 1:09 AM )

i feel so bad. i feel like slapping myself.

sesungguhnya banyak dugaan dan cabaran.
yang harus ditempuhi,
i shall learn from this and change for the better.
Especially di bulan yang syawal yang bakal menjelang ini.
Inilah masanya,
untuk manusia meminta keampunan akan kesalahan
yang pernah dilakukan
memohon keampunan dari tuhan yang maha esa
kepada orang2 yang pernah dilukakan hatinya.

i know i can change,

i sound like my mother already.
i just break the news to my mother that i would working that 7-3am shift.
and guess what my mom say?

"kau ni bulan bulan macam gini kau kerje malam2 bukan nak buat amal ibadat"
-the mother

*kena straight to teh face *slap myself*

i miss boyfriend.
*slap myself again*


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25 September 2008 ( 1:29 PM )

did BOX OFFICE on monday and tuesday,
which means,i am an allrounder at CATHAY...
I can do Popcorn and I can do Ticketing..
and i can absolutely do USHER.
well ushering has been my life at cathay for the past one year,
and when i get the chance to cross train,
i will do it...

happy ehk?

well each station has its goods and its bad thingy.
but overall when you are willing to do it
and has a heart on it,
nothing could go wrong.

i learn that box ofice is the place when they GOSSIP
i mean alot...

I also learned that concesion(popcorn) lets you have fun..
real fun...

and usher..
hmm... aper ehk aku blajar at usher?
i think i learn to go missing in action anywhere and anytime.
hahaha. really.
and watch movie.

nak raye larh!

you are still the most IMPORTANT PERSON in my life.
and i love you.


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weep and sorrow
24 September 2008 ( 12:28 PM )

As we grow up,
we learn that even the one person that wasn't
supposed to ever let you down will probably will.

You will have your heart broken probably more than once
and it's harder every time.
You'll break hearts too,
so remember how it felt when yours was broken.
You'll fight with your best friend.
You'll blame a new love for things an old one did.
You'll cry because time is passing too fast,

and you'll eventually lose someone you love.
So take many pictures,

laugh alot,
and love like you've never been hurt before
every sixty seconds you spend upset

is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
Don't be afraid that your life will end,

be afraid that it will never began.

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22 September 2008 ( 9:09 PM )

kesian dier..dapat cikgu macam *tuuuuut*
well takpelah maybe that *tuuuuut* is just like that.
i know you did your best...

semalam kaaaan..
after so many many years
finally i jejak malaysia..
after so long...
its not like what ive expect it to be...

ku rase ku continue nengkali..
aleh aleh mood daku terus hilaaang...

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What A Day!
( 3:40 PM )

Haish. Today i feel weak.
Yesterday aru je kemas bilik and cuci toilet.
I feel glad that my room is clean and nice NOW.
Not like last time. Berkecah.
At least there is.
More space for me to breathe now.
I wanna say sorry for not entertaining you yesterday aemyra.
I was damn buzy.
You noe lah.
My dad likes to perintah me not stop.
Till i had no time to talk to you.
I hope you enjoyed your journey to JB yesterday.
I slept at 2am yesterday. And woke up at 6am today.
Missed my sahur too.
You noe what!
I hate my science facilitator.
She aimed at my team like F*^k.
I hate her pathetic face.
Step mana punya cool je...
Almost everyone got grade D for Science last week.
I still manage to get C.
There is a few who get C too.
But no one get A/B in my class.
Padahal i did my best and i put alot of effort. ALOT!
For the first time i did all the questions in the worsheet ALONE.
PUKI betul ni cikgu.
Its suppose to be teamwork lah.
Tapi dorg main2 uat kerja.
So i just did it alone.
Dah lah nk log off now.
Im still waiting for her dump 6P now.

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helo helo.
20 September 2008 ( 12:02 PM )

hello aje?

okay siow.
haiya. duit bila mau mari.
i already feel like going shopping...
who should i get for my partner in crime??
myra is giler.
i dont know why but i think myra is giler alredy.
no money and wanna go sopping.

somehow this year,
raya macam...noting noting aje.
kenape ehk?
macam sekejap gitu dah nak raye.
lagi berape hari eu noe?
korang okay tak?

rumah belum kemas..
this year i dont think im able to buat kuih raye,
aku no money...already.
duit dah terbang..tak tau gi mane.
aku asyik kerje life sia.
nak kate holiday..dah seriusly mcam bukan
and mother is trying to act like im earning 1.5K a month.
and since we got our passport..
dier tak abis2 persuade kite g johor.

is this life???

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18 September 2008 ( 11:27 AM )

well time ticks very fast and somehow you forgot that
time never stood still in your life.
everyday is a walking journey where challenges are being faced.
as early as the dawn bypass you...
but the art of hearing stuff you dont wish to hear gets you recalled
back on how it even started ..

i ever wondered
why am i here instead of there.
i admit i was someone whose a little bit hard on the inside
and see the life as it may seemed and recalled
which are facts and which are fictions.
i never really talked about things that had happened ten years ago.
i regard that as part of life where it has to faced and to be learned.

i couldnt agree more that sometime my act of handling things is
down by zero.i have the difficulty of saying NO to people whom
pleaded me. i tend to give it all due to pityness.
sometimes i felt im not able fight for my rights...
im just not able to.
which makes me a weak person.
a very weak person..

i feel like shit.

"Coba bertanya pada manusia
Tak ada jawabnya
Aku bertanya pada langit tua
Langit tak mendengar"
-langit tak mendengar/peterpan


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Watch This And Laugh!!!!
( 1:03 AM )

I got so bored just now.

And i search for this dump videos in sch.

I find it funny. SO i just post it.


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movie express.
16 September 2008 ( 2:15 PM )

guess what????
i open my own counter yesterday..
at MOVIE EXPRESS with Raimi.
orang baru ajar orang lama.
bestlarh sey.
after more than a year of working at usher.

i even have my own counter tag.
and i have my name written on the receipt.
happy siot.

i cant wait to have more of that experience..
and the best thing is..
for a first timer like me...
i have no shortage...
;) bestlarh sey.

biaselarh dah lama training..
tapi slalu nyer training..
tolong2 aje.
bt finally i open my own counter.

i want more larh.

okay meeet boifren later.

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the day before today
14 September 2008 ( 10:31 AM )

herlow sunshineee...
back again to blog..aku ni blog addict.
paham pahmlah eiy

things are doing fine.Syukur Alhamdullilah.
las thurs meet up with besties.
after 8 hours of standing at greeter point
at work.penat sikittt ajelarh.

*shul got a date with her boipwen,
we boka poase at MARINA SQ.
We had fun laughing. joking around.
with people we used to joke around at.
after that took a cab to far east..
because this anne`fleury nak buy legging.
of all place its FAR EAST PLAZA.
when its shopping with anne....
she would take roughly about 35 min in one shop.
while waiting for her,
we tend to get bored,so kite pon merayau sendiri.
muka aku shopping?hahaha..
look at one shop,then went to the others shop.
look aje tau,bukan masuk...
then i take the train home with fa-ri-yan
since anne is e cabbie person.

the friday or yesterday..
i worked opening as usual.
and man. im the greeter again...
and im alone.
cause staff came late.
berjanggut tunggu dorang.
cause my leg was really aching.
and aku macam nak muntah pon ade.
nasib baik ami came to my rescue.
ingat nak batalkan i manage to made it thru.
meet up with the other cathay mates.
me and ami were from work.
and yeah we ate at the
place...fuhhh.. bercinta tunggu,
they took 30 min to prepare one dish&one air.
just imagine there were 6 people...
al waiting for the food to come.
nvm.. sakit hati bebual sal tempat tuu.

and then we proceed to geylang.
lepas satu balak datang lagi satu balak.
rancangan sesak jenayah telah bermula.
the first and the last time.

then the ami suggested that her pakcik can sent me home.
cause u noe larh,
balik lambat sikit kene celoteh ngan the mother,
i tot it will be fast,
sekali...pakcik dier nak makan dulularh.
haiz terpakse ikut.
kite naik traler larh..
aku terpakse buat muka kebas aku and face them.
dey were gerek.
but that paisey feeling masi ade.

okay.bile nak jumpe boifwen eh?
tues kite jumpe kae syg...

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11 September 2008 ( 3:22 PM )


I feel so shitty righht now.
dint even sleep wel last night.
i dunt know whats wrong with me

haiz.ive been having a very weird feelings lately.
somehow or rather i just feel like not doing anything.
i also feel like going somewhere very very far.
i dont feel like talking to anyone,
i dunt know.
what im experiencing.
and i think because of this people around me yang suffer.
like feeling sad for no reasons
i dont know know what happen to me.
i cant even spark some smile on my face.
i dont know......

could it be depression?

i dunno.

oops i did it again,
im sorry.

tps paper just now is not good.
i dont think il pass.
i tried to study ytd but i cant.
today work.

Kau akan menjagaku
Di bangun dan tidurku
Di semua mimpi dan nyataku
Kau akan menjagaku
Tuk hidup dan matiku
Tak ingin,
tak ingin kau rapuh

-wali band,dik
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Hello love
10 September 2008 ( 11:23 AM )

i wrecked the previous skin..
and yeah i still yet to finish this current skin.
hopefully bf likes it.
cause its without his consent.
okay i know im bad..reallly bad.
anyways happy puase everyone.
korang puase tak? puase jgn tak puase.
i know its been long since i last updated.
kes tak bayar internet.
pandai kan kan kan?

and yes.true enough.
i bought the bf A METALIC BLUE PSP SLIM
okay.very nice
and yeah i manage to shocked him inside the theatre.
aku ni romantic jugak tau.
wel because the plan to blindfold him tak jadi.
so plan B menjadi larh beb.
guess what.
il be eating grass for the next few weeks *grrrr*
till the day my pay is in..
dgr dgr kan..
duit gaji masuk cepat sikit tau tau.

and this is this year baju raye.

sneak preview aje...
thats why the head is been cropped.
actually because my muke sungguh tak lawa.

okay. thats all.

bile nak beli hp baru eiy?

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01 September 2008 ( 4:32 PM )

Today is the first day of the fasting month.
I feel happy + bored.
I had nothing to do for today.
I just celebrated my birthday with my girlfriend last saturday.
For my present.....
Thanx Dear for the gift that you gave it to me.
Right now downloading all the games into the PSP.
She made me embarrassed on that day.
Guess what???
That day i was in the cinema with her.
Watching 4bia.
We came in early like not the usual thing do.
She asked her friends to send the gift to me. at our seats.
I mean she works at the cathay and her friends too work at the same place.
Coincindence her friends were working on that day.
And so...There goes my surprise.
At first, i thought my girl order some chicken wings to send to our seats...
And skali
PSP perrrrrr!!!!!
Aniwae i also wanna say thanx to her friends for wishing me too on that spot....

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