hidayat & aemyra

now or never

June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008

14 October 2008 ( 3:19 PM )

i am missing
right now!
i reallyreallyrally do...

im really sorry.i tau i salah sebab tak minta izin you.
i tak tau kenapa i macam bodoh gitu sebab
repeat the same mistake over and over again.
im sorry dear.

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13 October 2008 ( 9:08 PM )

Back:Syak Usher, Hashira&Son, Liyana, Kak Zu, Jannah& Inah
Front:Nadiah (Aziz GF),Hisham,Raimie,Afiq and Aziz in blue..

photo credits to Rakinah ( )

The other day.
Most of the Cathay Mates go jalan Raya.

Who was there?
Hashirah and son,Liyana,Ami,Hisham,Raimie
Ikah,Afiq,Jannah,Zuhaira,Rakinah& me
Couples are:
Aziz and Nadiah,
Syak Concess & Ridzwan
Syak Usher & Boifriend
who joined after he booked out.they were on bike after that.

so only nadiah who isnt a part of cathay:)
but we had our fun.

Well above is one of the pics we took..
My pic is not in there,
well because..i was too tired and yeah it was so hot.
so i kept myself infront of the kipas..
above is di rumah Syakillah Concess.

more pics akan datang cause yeah..
i need to grab from the photographers of that day.

well it was gerek argh,,
even though we kena sit inside the hot and stuffy cargo van.
afterwhich we strts to make jokes and laugh around.
taking turns to sit at the passenger seats infront.
because...ade aircon...hehe. :))
how the guys says there were alot of lipas when they took the van
getting sesat in somewhere around singapore.
getting jam break all of a sudden...
getting horn at.hehe.
how we ended up discussing how we shud return back
the van to the owner by eleven at woodland..
when we are at hougang at that point of time..
it was fun..

how we hide from traffic police..
during midnight.

and i kena nag by the mother cause im not home yet..

but sadly i have to miss out Syakillah Usher and Kak Zuhairah House.


the other day olso.
went out with boifriend,Don and Wan.
to celebrate Don birthday,
we treat him at SeolGarden.
it was fun hanging out with his friend at times.
play arcade and joke around at the foods.
it was nice. but no picture taken..
cause u noelarh.
i spoilt my im handphoneless..

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10 October 2008 ( 9:17 AM )

New schedule out!

mon strts at 8 ends at 3pm
tue strts at 9 ends at 5pm
wed strts at 10 ends at 4pm
thur strts at 10 ends at 4pm
fri strts at 8 ends at 5pm

and ive got long hour of break in between.
Tues gt 4 long hour of break
wednesday gt 3 hrs.....

Arghhhh! giler per????
camamne nak keje gini

possible timing:

giler pe?
aku nak makan ape satu bulan haaaa?


camane nak jumpe bf haaaaa?

penat ku takya kira ah gini.

and i think im gonna hate friday! realllly.....

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08 October 2008 ( 1:17 PM )

Herlow sunshine.
a moment ago i feel like writing everything inside my head.
but after the Internet Explorer jadi BITCH sekejap.
all the thoughts inside my head which i wanna wrote,
just flew away.

thursday meeting cancel.
its okay darling.
go train.
make yourself & myself proud
and make sure you WIN
something in that competition.

10/10 FRIDAY
Cathay Raye.
Someone will be driving that day...
and yeah e Van has been booked...
and about 16 people plus plus will be joining.
consist of alot of ushers and concession.

looking for-ward...

anyway,aku jatuh cinta dengan lyric lagu ini.

Di sekitar suria yang menyinar
Hadirnya mendung meliput cahaya
Di sebalik senyum tawa riang
Timbul tangis hiba di fajar mulia
Kekosongan melanda diriku
Bak sembilu menyayat di kalbu
Mengenang nasib diri sebatang kara
Mengharungi cabaran berliku
Takbir menusuk jiwa ku
Terkenangkan kisah-kisah lalu
Keinsafan menghantui diri
Berkekalan 'kan ku ulang kembali
Sepatah doa mengiring diri
Setitik cahaya untuk meniti
Pedoman buat di hari muka
Moga ketenangan teman yang setia
-Setitir Cahaya di Aidilfitri~Aisyah

let me slip away...
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02 October 2008 ( 11:01 PM )

The mother asyik "potpetpoepetpot peeet" aje!
Shes been nagging all the way eversince i got home from work.
I semangat-ly worked on the second day of raye.
and yesterday i went back early from jalan raye.
penatlarh.and kureng sehat.

this year economy duit collection merosot.
Economy tidak pun pulih walaupun aku masih belajar.
dan oleh disebabkan aku masih berkerje part-time.
saham aku betul2 nye turun...
ini tak boleh jadi.

well,tomorow im working again.
as TGC.Well i dont envy being TGC usher at all.
Wearing white and heels PLUS thick Make up.
well kalu tak pasal duit...
i would prefer sitting at home
exclude the mum's nagging.


09 SEPT-thurs
boyfriend day

10 SEPT-friday
CATHAY raye (to be confirmed)

11 SEPT-sat
ANNE besties open house
AMAL usher open house

Yang lain2 tuu....
belum ade berita..
so..make ur plans earlier.
orang nak amik cuti oii!
kite tunggu orang pelawa,
kalau orang tak pelawa...
buat malu muka aje sebok2,

aku pass.CA aku.
Alhamdulilah syukur nikmat,kepada tuhan yang memberi rahmat.oh oh ohhhh...

Biz Fundamental- B
Tourism,Product&Services - A
GPA 3.4

okalah tuuu,tapi i tak satisfy lah:(
namun ku tetap bersyukur..Need to do my best the next sem.
18 more months to go..
POLY! insyallah.

More modules to excited:)

- Business Communication
-Principles of Marketing
-Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions
-Event Planning and Logistics
-Design Applications
-Integrated Events Project
-Project Management and Scheduling

bile aku nak enroll motor?
semangat aku semakin hari semakin berkobar-kobar.
bile ehk??
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